STEM Activities

Game-Based Learning

Game-Based Learning at Bakersfield eSports Center

  • Prepares students for the future
  • Builds future-ready skills like creativity, problem-solving, and systems thinking
  • Drives meaningful learning by exploring real-world issues in immersive, imaginative worlds
STEM Engineering & Design

STEM Engineering & Design

Reignites joy in learning by bringing purposeful play to the classroom with instructional methods proven to improve cognitive, social, emotional, creative, and physical learning outcomes. These playful, hands-on learning experiences lead to the development of the whole learner by being:

  • Joyful
  • Meaningful
  • Actively engaging
  • Iterative
  • Socially interactive
Video Game Development

Video Game Development

  • Promotes computational thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Encourages creative teaching and learning
  • Fosters self-expression and collaboration